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Myrtha Pools
Puls kardiolo�ki centar
Master Physical


Julius Meinl

06.08.2016 17:04 Starost: 8 yrs

Kategorija: Rio 2016

OLIMPIJSKE IGRE - Remi sa Madjarima

Srbija - Madjarska 13:13 (3:5,3:4,3:2,4:2)

Bazen Mari Lenk. Gledalaca 500. Sudije: Korizna (Poljska) i Aleksandresku (Rumunija). Igrač više: Srbija 13 (9), Mađarska 10 (5), dva igrača više: Srbija 1 (0), Mađarska 2 (1). Peterci: Mađarska 1 (1).

SRBIJA: G.Pijetlović, Mandić 1, Gocić, Ranđelović 1, Ćuk 2, D.Pijetlović 2, Nikić 2, Aleksić, Jakšić 1, Filipović 3, Prlainović, S.Mitrović 1, B.Mitrović. Selektor: Savić.

MAĐARSKA: Nađi, Zalanki 1, Manherc 1, Erdelji, Vamoš 2, Hošnjanski 3, Ad.Deker, Sivoš 1, Da.Varga 1, de.Varga 2, Kiš 1, Harai, At. Deker. Selektor: Benedek.

Golom Filipovica 4 sekunde pre kraja Srbija je osvojila bod protiv Madjara. Rival je igrao bolje, početkom trećeg dela poveo 10:6 i tada je Srbija počela da igra. U poslednjem delu Filipović je izjednačio prvo na12:12 a zatim i na 13:13.

Utkmicu je posmatrao i predsednik Srbije Tomislav Nikolić sa suprugom Dragicom

Selektor Dejan Savić je po završetku utakmice rekao:

- Odlična Madjarska, agresivna od samog starta. Nama je to nedostajalo u odbrani. Jurili smo rezultat i u tome uspeli kada smo počeli da igramo odbranu na pravi način. Zadovoljan rezultatom jer smo iz poraza stigli do remija. Ali briga o agresivnosti ostaje.

Filip Filipović je čestitao ekipi na ostvarenom rezultatu:

- Nije to bilo ono što je trebalo da bude. Jurili smo rezultat. Moramo od početka do kraja da budemo u istom ritmu i onda je ve u našim rukama. Čeka nas težak meč sa Grčkom i moramo da se okrenemo tome.

Gojko Pijetlović je odradio veliki posao:

- Težak početak za oba tima, dosta oscilacija. Remi je realan.

Živko Gocić:

- Bili su izrazito agresivni u prve dve četvrtine i to se videlo po rezultatu. Kasnije smo podigli ritam i plivanja i agresivnosti i na kraju uspeli da ig stignemo, Da su pobedili ne bi bilo nezasluženo. Lako može da se dogodi da dve ove ekipe igraju fnale.

Evo šta je rečeno zvaničnim novinarima MOK.

Coach Dejan SAVIC (SRB)

On the match and coming back from three goals down at half-time to tie 13-13:

"We can speak about this game being in two parts. We were not aggressive enough in the first two quarters and the difference compared to the Hungarian team was incredible.

"They were aggressive and they led 9-6 at half-time, but after those first two quarters we then allowed our defence to be aggressive. 

"We didn't feel any pressure, we have a good group and we are satisfied with the result but not our first-half performance.
I think the result is very good for us as we were three goals down but the Hungarian team were better than us today."

On starting Branislav MITROVIC (SRB) in goal, but switching to Gojko PIJETLOVIC (SRB) at half-time: 

"I started him because he plays in Hungary (for club side Egri VK) and he didn't make lots of mistakes, but I changed the goalkeeper for psychology and it worked."


On Serbia's slow start to the game but coming back to tie 13-13:

“We didn't open the game strong but it was all about how we finished it. We really don't want to find any excuses for this result. We know the pressure we have and we showed today some type of mental strength, because losing by three goals at half-time and then coming back was good. 

"Even if we had lost this game it doesn't really mean anything. We have four more games (in preliminary play), so I don't want to say this point is really important. 

"It was a semi-rugby game in there but that was more down to the referees. Every game, the referee is different, it's not like football, it's the most difficult game to referee so we go through each game and try to combine our play with them and then apply that to the game. That is one of the most toughest aspects of our sport."